#º×  – th pit a pat ・



courage that was what naeun had mustered up– ever since she had seen him at the school festival a couple weeks previously she hadn’t been able to get him out of her mind. her friends found her silly. she couldn't explain it properly but there was something about the way he had stood on stage and performed, he looked so cool.

that was why naeun was now standing outside the same high school she knew he went to– nervously holding a letter between her fingers, it might be old fashioned but she had thought about it and this felt more genuine.

she knew he probably didn’t know who she was ( although they had brushed shoulders at the school festival that day ), he was most likely popular and naeun… well she wasn’t unpopular, she just didn’t care much about but– one thing she did know was that she was pretty, it was a compliment she heard all the time, from school– family friends and mother ( who said naeun needed to work harder because people expect less from her since she’s beautiful ). 

naeun herself didn’t like to think of herself as an above-average pretty person– but she couldn’t help but feel confident in her situation, at least she had her looks.

                                                                                                 starter for  ━  ꕤ ┊ @jaerk  *:・.

it’s a normal day for him. slacking off in class; half-assed homework handed in before the bell rings; dragged to his feet by his no-shit friends. it was all like clockwork. nothing out of the normal, nothing that would taint his seemingly normal day. with his neck current wrung by his friend’s arm; he trudges alongside the group with a lopsided smirk, chuckling along to the stupid joke that had amused them since third period calculus. 

it was still funny, he thinks as they finally make it past the gate of their school ; ready to trudge up the hill towards the arcade to knock off some time before he had to go home to his aunt but the sight of a girl by the corner of their school’s entrance stops his friends in their tracks. a notion that jaemin could only roll his eyes at ; hand immediately pulling his friends arm off of him so he could move on ahead of them.

whenever they got hypnotized by some girl, it was always best to leave them to their infatuations. last time he stayed, he got chewed out for somehow ‘ stealing ’ their crushes when … quite bluntly, jaemin had the opposite of alternatives. he hoped this situation wouldn’t be like the last  –  but then he hears his friend’s words in his ear ‘hey isn’t that girl pretty? should i talk to her?’ and jaemin already knows this situation was anything but normal.ah, shit. 

poor bastard was just going to be shot down.
